Pressure, It’s unit and applications

Pressure, It’s unit and applications

What is Pressure?

The Force acting on a unit area of a surface is called pressure.

Pressure = Force/Area
SI unit of pressure : N/m = Pascal = Pa
Pressure, It’s unit and applications

Pressure is inversely proportional to the area. It means that if area of any body increases pressure will be decrease and If area of any body decreases then pressure will be increase.

Some examples of Pressure:-
  • Heavy bag have wide shoulder pad so that pressure will reduce on the shoulder of the person carrying the bag.
  • Sharp knife has very small Surface area that’s by it exert high pressure on meat to cut it.
  • Skis have a large area to reduce the pressure on the snow. This ensures that the skis do not sink into the snow too far.
  • Ink is filled in the pen because of atmospheric pressure.
  • Inflating a Bicycle Tire: Using a hand pump to increase the pressure inside a bicycle tire.
  • Drinking from a Straw: Applying suction to draw liquid through a straw involves creating a pressure difference.
  • Using a Hydraulic Jack: Lifting a car with a hydraulic jack by increasing the pressure in the hydraulic fluid.
  • Breathing: Inhaling and exhaling involve changes in air pressure in your lungs.
  • Filling a Water Bottle: Closing the cap on a water bottle creates pressure inside the bottle, keeping the liquid from spilling.
  • Sitting on a Chair: Your body exerts pressure on the chair due to your weight.
  • Blowing up a Balloon: Inflating a balloon by blowing air into it increases the air pressure inside.
  • Pushing a Cart: When you push a shopping cart, you apply force, which creates pressure on the wheels.
  • Using a Squeeze Bottle: Squeezing a condiment bottle increases the pressure, causing the sauce to come out.
  • Diving into a Pool: As you dive into a pool, the water pressure changes with depth, affecting your ears and body.

Types of pressure:-

  • Atmosphere pressure
  • Absolute pressure
  • Gauge pressure
  • Differential pressure

Pressure in liquid

A liquid exerts pressure on the wall of container equal to the weight of liquid.

Pressure in liquid = ρgh
ρ= density
g= gravitational acceleration
h= depth
Note – Pressure in liquid is directly proportional to the depth and density. It means pressure will increase with depth.

Characteristics of pressure in a liquid:-

  • The intensity of pressure depend only on the vertical height of the standing fluid. It means that at a particular depth pressure acts equally in all directions.
  • The intensity of pressure is independent of the shape of the container and it’s inclination because pressure is unit area measurement of weight of fluid particles.

Frequently Asked Questions:


1. The SI unit of pressure is_______.

ANSWER= (A) Pascal


2. The force on unit area is called______.

ANSWER= (B) Pressure


3. The pressure exerted by liquid____.

ANSWER= (C) Increases with depth


4. Atmospheric pressure is measured by______.

ANSWER= (A) Barometer


5. The atmospheric pressure at sea level is____.

ANSWER= (D) All of these


6. The formula for pressure in liquids is:

ANSWER= (C) ρgh, where h is height, ρ is density and g is gravity


7. Amount of pressure of liquid increases with:

ANSWER= (A) depth


8. Force acting on a smaller area exerts_______ pressure.

ANSWER= (D) High Pressure


9. Instrument used to measure pressure of gases or liquids is called_____.

ANSWER= (D) Manometer


10. Atmospheric pressure at sea level equals:

ANSWER= (C) 1.01 × 10^5 Pascal

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